My kids are on vacation with their dad. The divorce agreement says they need to go. One week straight. Once a year. Every year. …

My kids are on vacation with their dad. The divorce agreement says they need to go. One week straight. Once a year. Every year. …
I was driving alone letting my mind wander. Fairfield to Milford on I-95. No traffic. Air conditioning on and the windows down too, just how…
As young as 4 years old I would be introduced to men often, usually along with my sisters, (one older and one younger) while…
I asked for you. In silent wishes on the flickering flames of my birthday candles I asked for you. In my first waking thoughts…
Enough already. Enough. Stop with the “if he were a man of color” arguments around the pathetic “sentence” in the Brock Turner case. Enough with…
I never expected the two of them to exist on my face in the same decade, let alone to occupy the same space at the…
My wings were wet I could not fly. Weighted down by tears from the sky. Caught in a storm I was unprepared to weather. Thinking,…
The last time you were beautiful wasn’t when ‘he’ took the time to tell you. The last time you were beautiful was this morning when…
To all the good mom’s out there who got nothing on Mother’s Day, what the fuck?! How did this happen? I’m so sorry that you…